Tuesday, June 10, 2008

more city, less sex, please

i just read the review of the 'sex and the city' movie in 'the new yorker'. it's always nice to know that there are other people that express the same unpopular views that you do. i'm tired of hearing about how it's really not about the clothes or the shoes, but the RELATIONSHIPS.

two points. one. much is made of the fact that these women are simply doing what men have done for years, being free with their sexuality, free to do and say and sleep with whoever the hell they want to. but...isn't that why women usually hate men? because they do and say and fuck whoever the hell they want to?

two. if you ever had the incredibly poor luck of being cornered by these four aging whores with expensive shoes at a cocktail party....you would run screaming out of there. i have a pet theory that they are the kind of women that are only friends so they can keep an eye on one another, and make sure that they aren't all sleeping with the same guy.

also, with the spectacular amount of work that the writer one doesn't do, how does she afford anything more than shoes on a payless sale?

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